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Celtics Morning Joe: Early Celtics free agent movement

Posted by shawn cassidy on July 1, 2012 at 6:00 AM

A summer of uncertainty seemed to end early,  when the Celtics agreed to a three-year contract extension with Kevin Garnett. The signing allows the Celtics to move quickly, and to see who wants to play in Boston. The Celtics want to mix the old core, with new guys like Mayo, or Crawford, and with maybe a Josh Smith type player. The latest on Ray Allen is Memphis.

the Memphis Commercial Appeal: "The Grizzlies have made veteran sharpshooter Ray Allen a prime offseason target and planned to contact him late Saturday night in the first step of what promises to be a strong pursuit of the NBA’s all-time leading three-point shooter.

Memphis, according to sources familiar with the team’s plans, will offer Allen its full mid-level exception ($5 million) in hopes of luring him away from other suitors — such as Miami — with only the mini-mid-level ($3 million) to spend"


I'd give anything to say Ray leave for Memphis over Miami any day of the week. But it sounds like the Celtics could use Ray Allen as a possible sign and trade. Of course Mayo is the target.


The Philadelphia 76ers, Phoenix Suns, Los Angeles Clippers, Boston Celtics, and Indiana Pacers were the teams to contact unrestricted free agent Jamal Crawford as soon as July 1 hit, according to a person very close to the situation.

Jamal is an option, but he's way down on my list. For me he's a last resort. I'd rather see Ray retire as a Celtic. Crawford could be a better player at this point, but I'd still take the future Hall of Fame player. But it sounds like Ray is gone, the media is claiming that at least.

I believe some of what these guys say. Is Alex Kennedy a great source? Not sure yet?

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Reply paul
06:51 AM on July 01, 2012 
We have a great role waiting for Allen. It seems pretty much like he doesn't want it. Or is it Ainge who doesn't want Allen?

What I find interesting is that I'm not picking up any sense that free agents are eager to come to the Celtics. But it sure seems like 3-point specialists are hot for the Heat.

Let's face it; our next year depends on Rondo's continued growth, as always. If we can pick up just one good player to add to the mix...

One of the things I don't like about the NBA is the way the teams chase after players. It's not that I think that players should be paid less. I thought they should have won the Lockout. I would like to see them paid more. No, it's more that I think teams should try to do more with the players they have, with the talent they have. I'm just not eager to see the Cs pick up expensive free agents unless it's someone we really really want. I'm fine with E'tuan Moore as our shooting guard off the bench.

And I don't particularly want to see us overpay for Green or Bass, just because we know other teams will. Our two best players, Rondo and KG, are making 11 million. I'm not at all eager to see Green or Bass making eight or nine million. I could see them both making seven million, but if other teams will offer more, then maybe so be it? Maybe we play the young ones and suffer through growing pains? I'm just worried about us staking ourselves to contracts we'll regret down the road when we see a chance to pick up a player we really want.

If Bass could improve his scoring near the basket and his rebounding, he'd be pretty amazing, but I'm not so sure he will. As for Green, he's still such an unproven player, but he seems to want the Big Payday. I'm not sure it makes sense.
Reply paul
07:17 AM on July 01, 2012 
I don't want to be negative. I just don't want to overpay for anybody. At RedsArmy they are talking about 9 million for Mayo. Isn't that a little crazy? I guess I can see it if Rondo and Doc really believe in Mayo and think he is a star, but only then. I actually trust Rondo's eye for talent, especially with Doc and Danny. So if Rondo wants a guy then sure, break the bank. But otherwise, I say no.

Just because you go to the store and you feel a little hungry and you have a little money to spend doesn't mean you should buy that bag of chips.
Reply Franklin
10:33 AM on July 01, 2012 
Mayo 9 million a year is the right price, but does he get the Celtics over the hump? I don't think so.
Reply paul
10:59 AM on July 01, 2012 
Franklin says...
Mayo 9 million a year is the right price, but does he get the Celtics over the hump? I don't think so.

I think it's too much. Maybe it's what he can get from another team, but that's a different question.
Reply paul
11:44 AM on July 01, 2012 
The more I think about it, the more I think we should try really hard to keep Allen and Green.




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