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Numbers Game

Posted by paul on July 1, 2012 at 7:30 PM

Follow the numbers being bandied about at sites like Celtics Blog, Redsarmy, CSNNE and GreenStreet,  and they begin to make one's head spin.   They also give one a tremendous appreciation for the sacrifice made by KG for the good of the Celtics.  It is  something to consider that our two best players, KG and Rondo, are making in the area of 11 million dollars, when we hear that OJ Mayo will probably make about 9 million,  Jeff Green is likely to make about 9 million, and Brandon Bass, it seems, is likely to make 8 million.   One might argue that KG  by himself is worth OJ Mayo plus Jeff Green plus Brandon Bass.  I can't imagine how Danny Ainge sorts through these kinds of numbers while trying to put a team together.

The best news since the signing of KG, for Celtics fans, may be that Danny is apparently offering Ray Allen twice what the Heat are offering him, six million dollars per year for two years.    That sounds like a solid attempt to bring back a key player;  but if we may end up paying OJ Mayo 9 million, shouldn't we offer Ray more than six million?  How does the player we know can have a big impact coming off our bench (Allen) compare to the player we hope could have a good impact?

A Celtics Blog headline may have said it best today:

Celtics Interested In Everybody, And Everybody Else Is Interested In Celtics Players

It's all rather confusing.  The only thing that seems clear so far is that we are in danger of losing a lot of our role players to free agency;  meanwhile the folks we are talking about possibly picking up are not necessarily major pieces for us, yet they likely won't come cheap.  Krstc could be back in the picture, one hears.  Man, doesn't one sometimes get a feeling that everyone else is shopping for caviar,  oftentimes your caviar, and one's own team is shopping for alpo, at caviar prices?!

All I can say, I guess, is that Ainge won back quite a bit of trust with his various moves this last season, and so one hopes he has a plan, and one hopes that Rondo is giving considerable input into that plan.  One shudders to think how our season will look if we don't have Brandon Bass back, for example, but one also wonders how our future will look if we have him locked in for years at a hefty price.   Similar quandries come into ones mind about the many other free agents on our roster;  and it's not as though the free agents that seem to be available bring visions of future championship rings dancing around in one's head.

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Reply Franklin
09:45 PM on July 01, 2012 
Rondo is a big bargain. Its all confusing because their all guessing.
Reply paul
10:30 PM on July 01, 2012 
Franklin says...
Rondo is a big bargain. Its all confusing because their all guessing.

I have an awful feeling that we are going to end up wildly overpaying for people.

I just wish Ray would sign on for starters. Danny needs to give him no trade.
Reply Celticslifer
10:40 PM on July 01, 2012 
Rondos contract allows the Celtics to add players.
Reply paul
06:51 AM on July 02, 2012 
Celticslifer says...
Rondos contract allows the Celtics to add players.

I hope hope hope that Rondo realizes that one of the keys to his future success is NOT going for future max contracts; that way he can always have strong players around him.
Reply paul
07:00 AM on July 02, 2012 
Sheesh. The Raptors are offering Nash 12 million a year! A million a year more than Rondo!

Keep your focus on having the best team, not the biggest contract Rondo!
Reply dennee
06:41 PM on July 02, 2012 
paul says...
Sheesh. The Raptors are offering Nash 12 million a year! A million a year more than Rondo!

Keep your focus on having the best team, not the biggest contract Rondo!

According to salaries at Draft Express and Shamsports.com, Rondo is locked in at 11 mil this coming year, almost 12 the next, and almost 13 in 2014-2015.




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