It's been all good this off season. Danny has constructed a team equipped with youth, and veteran leadership. Most of us feel that Pierce, and KG will perform at last years level. Pierce should be even better after his knee heels. But what should the Celtics do if both guys,or even just one fall off? What if KG isn't the beast he was, and what if Pierce can't take over games from time to time? We've been down this road before. But at this point, it's hard to let them go. I feel like they must retire as Celtics regardless of their play. But what about Rondo? Wouldn't it be a waste for Rondo?To keep two guys who can't play at a high level, sucking up payroll?
I honestly feel that year one in this new plan, must be like the year one in 2008. A hate calling it a plan, but lets just go with it. So much like the plan in year one in 2008. This season KG,and Pierce are still at a high level, and of course their play will drop up every year from now. So the Celtics best chance would be 2013. Every year after would be a gamble. So back to the question. What should the Celtics do if KG, and Pierce lose the same zest for the game? My first option would be re-negotiation. Especially with Pierce. His contract is another max deal the Celtics could use. KG's deal is expensive, but I strongly believe he only plays two more seasons. I could be wrong, but if plays two more years. The 11 million will be well worth it.
I'm sorry to be gloom, and doom this morning, but it was a thought that ran across my mind. I believe in my heart that both KG ,and Pierce play at unbelievable levels at their age in 2013.
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Birdman33 says...
I agree Paul, but come playoff time they need to beast wnen it counts.
paul says...
I agree, but the load isn't on their shoulders the way it has been in the past. In fact, I would argue that a sure way for Pierce to screw things up will be for him to continue a tug of war with Rondo for leadership of the team.
Birdman33 says...
I agree with that that as well. But they need to bring on defense if anything. We can live without Pierce going for 20 to 25 a night.
Oops, you forgot something.