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Celtics Morning Joe: Rondo of Love

Posted by shawn cassidy on September 25, 2012 at 6:00 AM

In the morning it's become  very cold. The summer sun has gone away. But  sometimes during a fall afternoon it can become hot reminding us of the summer.  And like, winter in the morning and summer in the afternoon,things must change, and end. The summer of Rondo was  hot, and  action packed. But it had to end, and their is work to be done. During the fun times in the summer. Rondo found time to get his team together.A leader within speaks.

There have been times when we become  humble in life. As a team you share each other’s sorrows and troubles. These are the times when the Celtics need to  fight endlessly. Time will keep on changing, and coming will be the seasons. Neither you nor I will ever know the reasons for everything. But everything changes, and Pierce hopefully has been humble in this process. The time has finally come, and Rondo has taken the team. It wasn't given to him. But the veterans have no choice. Rondo called them to LA, and he organized a four hour practice during the summer of Rondo. He made time for them, and this was a giant leap for him.

The tone has changed, and the air has shifted into a warm breeze on a chilly fall night. In the grace of the sky,stars become gracious as they fade and burst. Breezes are blowing, leaves will be falling, A chill is in the air. Winter will be coming soon after the season starts. Farmers will be harvesting,and Rondo will  be dishing out 15 assists a game as the snow gently descends in Boston. 

Rondo had a huge weight lifted this summer. The elephant in the room is gone. Ray Allen not only had issues with Rondo. But Allen had issues with KG.

Doc Rivers OK without Ray Allen-ESPN

It has become apparent that in Allen's final months in Boston he was increasingly disenchanted with his place among the veteran hierarchy. He preferred to start but was asked to come off the bench, and did so without a single public complaint. He was wounded by revelations that Boston nearly dealt him to Memphis at the trade deadline. The ever accountable veteran chafed at fellow superstar Kevin Garnett's unwillingness to take on some of the extra media and promotional requests that inevitably landed in Allen's lap.

When it came time to talk contract extension, Allen felt slighted that he was not a priority. His deteriorating relationship with Rondo, meanwhile, was one of the worst-kept secrets on the team.

"It's just not right to put it all on Rondo," Rivers said. "Ray didn't leave because of Rondo. He left because of Ray.

"He wanted the ball more. He wanted a bunch of different things. He didn't feel loved. That doesn't make Ray a bad guy.

"I needed to take some responsibility for [his unhappiness]. I made some of the decisions on how we should use Ray, and I would say Ray played pretty well in the role we drew up for him.

"What it came down to was I felt I'd rather have the ball in Rajon's hands. That was Ray's problem, not Rajon's. Rondo was the guy with the ball. It's not his fault."


Ray left because of Ray is a great line. He didn't feel loved? I think that's bull, not that Doc said it, but that Ray didn't feel loved. Ray was loved, but he wanted to be the center of attention. Rondo was that center of attention. Now Rondo can be who he should be, and who he is meant to be. The summer of Rondo will turn into the season of Rondo. I trust Rondo with this team, and with the leadership role that he earned in the shadow of the Big three.

Categories: Celtics Morning Joe

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Reply paul
06:22 AM on September 25, 2012 
I love this piece, Shawn. Ray's role in all this is infuriating, like a rankle that won't stop rankling. But let's not forget Jackie's role. Jackie seems to have acted as a kind of conduit for Ray's frustrations. Where was the balance in her reporting? She seemed to be operating on the principle of pure opportunism. Where was her responsibility to be a journalist, and not just a conduit? Same applies to other reporters.

Ray and Rondo worked magic together. He turned his back on that, because he wanted the ball. He then had the gall to complain about the very offense that was designed for him! Meanwhile, fans were frustrated that Rondo wasn't doing enough with the ball. He was constantly waiting on Ray, who was complaining that he wasn't getting the ball enough! What a mess. What a terrible mess.

Rondo seems unleashed this summer. And he seems incredibly focused. That bodes awfully well for the Celtics, I think.
Reply Morena
09:09 AM on September 25, 2012 
I read the article and I loved it!!
This is really a warm breeze in the autumn season!!
Most people who posted comment below the article criticized Doc saying that he was trash talking about Ray. Interesting how nobody had anything to say when almost everybody was trash talking about Rondo.
And anyway, I think Doc just said what he had to, the truth. And sometimes, the truth hurts.

It's wanderful to see Rondo taking new steps in his leadership role. It's vital for this Celtics team.
I'm sure KG is really proud of him and the new guys will follow his lead!! And has you said, Shawn, I hope Pierce will be humble and not play tug-of-war with Rondo!!
Reply Celticslifer
10:47 AM on September 25, 2012 
Great post Shawn! Enjoyed it a lot. You really made something great here. Ray needed loved like a child wanting a bottle.
Reply paul
03:09 PM on September 25, 2012 
Big summer for Rondo.




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