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What are Celtic fans thinking: Barbosa signing

Posted by shawn cassidy on October 18, 2012 at 7:00 AM

These fans spoke out at RedsArmy.com


Solid 8-12 ppg guard who’s never really had a bad year. Just played on really bad teams.

Most Talented Celtics Backcourt in team history.

I agree, with Barbosa playing on a good team once again. Barbosa has the potential to breakout. He was crucial on the good Suns teams in the mid-2000's.But they have a long way to go until you can call them the best backcourt in team history.But with Rondo in the mix, it's very possible.


they should have Kept D West he is a true combo guard. drink check??????

Although I like West. I think the Celtics tried him again in  2010-11. It didn't work out, and he hasn't been the same player for a long time. West was very annoying during the lockout as well. Making dumb comments, and doing some very irresponsible things. The Celtics have moved on without him. Barbosa is a better choice at this point. 

These comments are from ESPN Boston


Barbosa...a true "X factor" for our club that other teams just don't want to have to deal wit. 

He takes our backcourt now to another level. A proven vet who already knows how to play this game at a very high level against elite competitiion. My!My!My! 

That's why LA fans were saying that they wanted Nash to recruit him for them.  

A terrific signing by DA.

The Celtics are bringing in the best players possible. The Lakers are over 100 million in payroll, and the Celtics have crazy depth. Such a steal.


Not gonna lie, i'm a little worried as to how in the hell Doc is going to spread the minutes in the backcourt.

The Celtics don't have egotistical guys like Ray in the backcourt. They want to win, and it's obvious. I don't see a problem. Barbosa  is coming in knowing he may not play a lot.

green solution

It's Doc I wonder about. Doc has to get off the "earn" thing. These are all fine players. Just play them, Doc. And don't be yapping about "shortening the rotation" to 6 - or any of that crap. Even with these guys, this is what Doc will do. Favorites will play too much.The Cs will get gassed at the end and come up short. This is why I say make Doc accountable! Stop praising this highly compensated media darling coach. This is an excellent group of players. Go very, very deep, Doc.

I agree, Doc needs to use every ounce of talent he has. Rest the guys, and keep legs fresh. This is Doc's best chance to finally give KG,and Pierce big time rest.

Categories: What are Celtic fans thinking?

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Reply paul
08:35 AM on October 18, 2012 
We are ridiculously talented and deep. But there is one player on this team who has to have a big ego if we are to be great - Rondo. This team should get better and better as the season goes on, as Rondo learns his teammates games, but it won't happen if Doc doesn't play them.
Reply Franklin
10:23 AM on October 18, 2012 
paul says...
We are ridiculously talented and deep. But there is one player on this team who has to have a big ego if we are to be great - Rondo. This team should get better and better as the season goes on, as Rondo learns his teammates games, but it won't happen if Doc doesn't play them.

Exactly, all this lays on Doc's shoulders,and with Rondo.
Reply Celticslifer
10:37 AM on October 18, 2012 
It's such an expected move, and it makes it that much better. The Celtics are too deep, and that's a good thing. Rondo has so much to work with. He needs to act on it.
Reply paul
12:51 PM on October 18, 2012 
I'm so eager to see Rondo painting a picture with all the colors he has...




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