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NBA Morning Stack: Love out for two months, and pregame routines cut down

Posted by shawn cassidy on October 18, 2012 at 6:30 AM

(New themed post) We do the Celtics Morning Joe everyday. Now it's time for a strictly NBA version.

NBA wants faster start to games

"I personally don't like it. Every player in this league has routines they do with their teammates, rituals they do before the game and before they walk on the floor. The fans enjoy it. Says Kevin Durant"

I think the pregame should have a limit to be honest. I hate to restrict it, but I think it does go to long  at times. Who could forget this.

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I hate to restrict honestly, but when things like this happen. Something needs to give. KG has his routine, and honestly it doesn't take more than a minute, and a half.

The NBA is taking steps to cut down on pregame handshakes and rituals that have become popular with players in recent years. Starting this season, as soon as player introductions are finished, there will be 90 seconds put on the game clock, and teams will be expected to be ready for tipoff after that time.

The guideline will eliminate or severely cut down on the routines that players from most teams go through before games, which often include a series of handshakes with their own teammates before greeting opponents. It also could legislate out individual rituals like LeBron James' famous chalk toss, which he abandoned last season during the playoffs, though James said he'll try to get it done in the limited time.

"I won't change it, I'll be able to work it in," James said. "We'll figure it out."

Wolves' Kevin Love out 6-8 weeks

Love broke the third and fourth metacarpals on his shooting hand in a workout before practice. It's a crushing blow to the Timberwolves, who already will be without star point guard Ricky Rubio for what is expected to be at least the first six weeks of the regular season while he recovers from a torn ACL in his left knee.

The Timberwolves open the regular season at home against Sacramento on Nov. 2.

The poor Wolves can't catch a break. Big blow, they could have challenged for a playoff spot for sure, but with Love out for about two months. I just can't see the T'Wolves lasting.




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Reply paul
08:31 AM on October 18, 2012 
Big blow for the TWolves and the league.

I think you are wrong about the pregame ritual. I am sick and tired of these restrictions on free speech that purport to address a problem that is not a real problem.
Reply shawn cassidy
10:22 AM on October 18, 2012 
paul says...
Big blow for the TWolves and the league.

I think you are wrong about the pregame ritual. I am sick and tired of these restrictions on free speech that purport to address a problem that is not a real problem.

I agree with you. I said I hate to restrict, and Stern does way to much of it. I'm the first to say he's a horrible commish. I said I like KG's routine as well. But guys like James ruined it. I hated when he did that picture taking crap in Cleveland. At the end of the day though. Will the extra minute or two really kill us? Maybe if they cut back on commercials right? They can have the game move along quicker.
Reply paul
12:49 PM on October 18, 2012 
shawn cassidy says...
I agree with you. I said I hate to restrict, and Stern does way to much of it. I'm the first to say he's a horrible commish. I said I like KG's routine as well. But guys like James ruined it. I hated when he did that picture taking crap in Cleveland. At the end of the day though. Will the extra minute or two really kill us? Maybe if they cut back on commercials right? They can have the game move along quicker.

I totally agree with you about the James picture taking. You know, it's not bad in itself. It's even funny, creative and clever. But they carry it on for way too long. Waaay too long. So I'm in sympathy with what you are saying, and I hate how long it takes for the game to start. It's the kind of crap that people like James and Delonte West go in for. I'm sure Big Baby is into it too.

But, I still don't like the rule. I"m sick and tired of all these restrictions on the players.




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