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Rondology: Painting a Picture

Posted by paul on October 18, 2012 at 1:00 PM

So far in the preseason, Rondo and Doc have been laying the colors out on the palette, squeezing the paint tubes too hard, and getting huge globs, or not hard enough, and getting nothing, and  dropping the brushes on the floor, cleaning up and starting over, etc..  There have been some good moments, but it's been pretty messy too.  Now a new canvas is on the easel (the Brooklyn Nets), the colors are ready on the palette, the brushes are in the brush pot, and Rondo is dressed in a possibly too-stylish smock, with a baret, twirling his Dali mustach...  

Time to make some art.

As I understand it, the Nets are planning to play their starting lineup tonight.  That should make it a good challenge for us;  the New Look Cs against the New Look and Already Annointed Nets.  This game matches us up against the kind of team that is all the rage in the NBA these days, a team front-loaded with Hyper Hyped talent.  Yes, the earth trembles when these basketball gods step out into the arena,  the loins of Celtics fans weaken, and even the burning fire in the hearts of KG, Rondo and Paul Pierce may flicker in the face of such greatness.   Seriously, we are not a team of might, mighty mega-stars.  We are a team of TEAM PLAYERS.  We are a whole different thing.

It's not really popular to talk about things life vision and creativity and art when talking about sports,  though we do it boldly here at Celtics Title Town, but for the Celtics to win, they have to have a vision, and they have to manifest it on the court.  There is nothing more powerful than an idea.  Tonight, I hope, we will see some of this team's ideas, some of Rondo's and Doc's vision, take shape on the court.  That should turn the tables on the Annointed Ones.

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Reply Skip
05:25 PM on October 18, 2012 
Thanks for this piece of art Paul. Cheers,and have a good day.
Reply paul
10:37 PM on October 18, 2012 
Whoah! I did kind of call that one, didn't I?!
Reply Franklin
12:13 AM on October 19, 2012 
paul says...
Whoah! I did kind of call that one, didn't I?!

It was a great preseason game.
Reply paul
12:22 AM on October 19, 2012 
Franklin says...
It was a great preseason game.

A vision of what could be, we hope - except for the darn rebounding.
Reply C'slife
01:03 AM on October 19, 2012 
paul says...
A vision of what could be, we hope - except for the darn rebounding.

We won the glass, but the offensive rebounding as you said in the recap was worrisome.
Reply paul
06:47 AM on October 19, 2012 
Yeah, I think the offensive rebounding by other teams really has been worrisome C'slife, and though we won the glass, it was almost surprising that we won it, you know? We seemed to be shooting for a higher percentage, as I recall, and that may be why we ended up with more rebounds. It almost seemed like we got beat on the glass.




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