Nowhere to be found. I'm sure he takes another entrance. I'm sure he changed his phone number. Maybe hid didn't do that. It's a funny thing isn't it, how you're all over the place, But you seem to disappear. You had a wave of darkness, covering the hope and creativity of your team.
There's no escaping now, it's too late, you're not a child now. No fairy tale can step in to save you, from that bullet. Where is Ainge? I haven't seen him, or haven't seen any quotes,or interviews from Ainge. He was all over the place calling this team many things, and title contenders wasn't one of them. It seemed that he gave up hope on this team, and he just didn't make a deal because it just wasn't worth it.
Think outside the box when life gives you lemons. We got lemons all season from Ainge. The fear was put into the players. For better or worse we've become accustomed to our lives. What about our lives being fans. Have we become accustomed to Ainge, and his ways? I don't know. But it's odd to see nothing about the rebirth of this team.
But falling to foolishness, we begin to expect nothing more than more of the same. I want more though. I want him to talk about the state of the Celtics. He has all season. So where is he now? On one hand I'm happy to see him out of the headlines, because we can give our full attention to Rondo, and the guys. When ever he comes out of the shadows I'm sure it will be more of the same. from him.
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