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State of the Celtics: Talking Green

Posted by shawn cassidy on June 17, 2012 at 10:05 PM

The big debate today on every Celtics website? How much should the Celtics pay Green, or will he even return to the Celtics.


David Falk, talked with Sports Illustrated recently and here's a few highlights from the article:

* Green's return to Boston -- like everything else with the Celtics -- could be dictated by Kevin Garnett. Said Falk: "I know that (the Celtics) want Jeff to come back, from (general manager) Danny (Ainge) to the owners to Doc and to his teammates. He loves Boston. We're waiting to see what happens with KG, what happens with Ray... There are other teams that could be very, very interesting to him around the league that will also have cap room."

* Falk said he has already had exploratory discussions with "12 to 14 teams." But it appears that there are no more than four frontrunners at the moment. Said the agent: "We've picked out three or four teams, of which Boston is one, that he has a high level of interest in talking to. I would say that Boston is the incumbent, but I've learned in this business not to assume things. Nothing is guaranteed."

* Falk is setting the bar pretty high for Green, suggesting he might be the top unrestricted free agent on the open market. "With the possible exception of (Brooklyn point guard) Deron Williams, I think that Jeff will probably be the No. 1 unrestricted free agent on the market," Falk said. "It's not like we have LeBron (James) and (Dwyane) Wade and all these guys floating around... I'd be very surprised if Deron Williams winds up anywhere besides Dallas or New Jersey (Brooklyn). So the next guy in the pecking order is Jeff Green."

KG seems like the domino that will let everything fall once he signs, or if he doesn't sign. Will a team pay Ray Allen ten million a season? This is stuff will debate for the next month or so. Will the Celtics pay KG 14 million a year? Is Green worth 12 million a season? I love Ray Allen, but if he's unwilling to sign here in Boston for another season, for a reasonable deal. Than it's time to go. It's hard to say that, but it's time to build around Rondo, and let's be real. The Celtics will offer KG,and Ray deals. It's up to them to sign for the right cost. Green isn't worth more than 9 million a season. He's just not. I want Green, but 9 million to me is the limit for Jeff. Bass may want too much money as well. I loved Bass, but 5 million a year is my limit for Bass.

The Celtics have some tough decisions. At least we have cap space to work with. This next month may decided the direction of this team for years to come.

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Reply Celticslifer
12:24 AM on June 18, 2012 
Green needs to take the bull by the horns.
Reply paul
09:28 AM on June 18, 2012 
KG - 8 million

Hibbert - 9 million

Bass - 5 million

Allen- 6 million

I doubt if those players will sign for those numbers, but if they won't, I think it's ok.




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