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Celtics Morning Joe: Nights apart

Posted by shawn cassidy on June 19, 2012 at 6:05 AM

Another night comes around,and it ended without sleep. Such a long time to endure the loneliness without the Celtics. The stars are scattered all over the sky, and they remind me of Rondo dimes. Above the dreams that fly through the clouds, are nightmares of fading team icons like KG,and Ray. Dreams of my love for the Big three still always leave me with the same taste. Somehow tonight it tasted bitter, and my heart never stopped beating.


For a dreamer like me to make believe possible trades,or how the contracts will workout with KG, and Ray, would it be different if I never know how to dream? And hanging onto the reality I’ve been living in for the past week. This era could be ending because of ego? Because of money?  I don't know if it's ending, and I don't know if ego,and greed will ultimately end it.


Would it be different if I never knew how to love the Celtics. But life is endless if we never turn the steer. I will never know how to be gratefully blessed. If I never taste the bitterness of  a broken heart again, I will be mistaken, because the championship drought could be longer.  Something right only comes from what is wrong.No matter how hard the Celtics tried this season, it’d never felt any thing less than .Until the day I find my way back to love someone better. 

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Reply paul
10:28 AM on June 19, 2012 
Ray Allen doesn't bother me that much, because I don't recall him making endless protestations about how much he loved the Celtics and believed in the Celtics way. If he wants to pursue a pot of gold, and possible starting position (though I doubt that will last) and a cheapo ring as a hanger-on, fine. Follow your bliss, Ray.

But to me, KG is a different kettle of fish. This is a guy who has sung aria after aria, in my view, about the Celtics Way, and about how much that meant to him, and how committed to it he was. Well, now it's kind of a put up or shut up moment when it comes to that, if you ask me. The team needs KG's spirit right now, if he really does believe in the Celtics way. But what we don't need from him right now is a whole bunch of demands. We need you, KG, if you really and truly do love the Celtics Way, and if you really do feel a commitment to help sustain it. If that's the case then we need you more than ever.
Reply C'slife
10:58 AM on June 19, 2012 
Nice words. why is KG the new scapegoat?
Reply paul
12:17 PM on June 19, 2012 
I don't think to criticize KG is make him a scapegoat. But maybe you think we should worship him.
Reply paul
12:26 PM on June 19, 2012 
paul says...
I don't think to criticize KG is make him a scapegoat. But maybe you think we should worship him.

But I'll tell you this. I see KG as nothing but a mercenary, and there is nothing worse in my eyes. So yeah, maybe I do despise him. I think maybe I do.

But see, pally, scapegoating is when you blame someone who had little control or influence in a situation, and what I'm doing is the opposite. I'm blaming the person who had the MOST control.
Reply paul
12:27 PM on June 19, 2012 
Meditate on the meaning of the word "scapegoat" and you'll get it.




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