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State of the Celtics: C's worry about themselves

Posted by shawn cassidy on October 13, 2012 at 12:30 AM

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"It's preseason. I don't think we've mentioned the Knicks one time," said Rivers. "We'll talk about them a little bit tomorrow, since we're playing them. But, I'm more worried about us. If this was a regular season game, obviously today we would have went over their sets and all that, but this is preseason, so we're worried about us right now."

Though Boston hasn't prepped for New York in any significant way, Kevin Garnett noted that a sense of familiarity is already in place.

"We're familiar with the teams we're playing, personnel, coaching style, the rules. Those are some of the things that just come off the top," Garnett said of the differences of playing an NBA opponent versus a European one. "Obviously, overseas was a great experience for us, a great test to some of the things we've been working on in training camp. And, like you said, now it's time for what we know and being familiar with some of the things that we know.

"The things we're going to see, [we can] familiarize ourselves with some of the sets, some of the, obviously, styles of play, personnel. A lot of teams have changed as far as personnel, so from that standpoint, if you want to call that a test, sure."

It's going to be nice to see this team against the Knicks Saturday night.  Finally get to see them against a NBA team.

Here are some other links from around the web.

Random Thoughts on Real Training Camp-CelticsGreenBlog.com

"The first thing I noticed was that even though they had microphones on Paul Pierce, Jared Sullinger and Jason Terry, very often the loudest voice being heard was Kevin Garnett. He could be heard barking out instructions, corrections and encouragement throughout the practice. He also was often shown illustrating some move for the young guys and guiding them through it."

Why Boston sports radio needs to start paying attention to the Celtics-CelticsLife.com

"After avoiding talking Celtics for so long, local sports by Text-Enhance">radio stations might find it in their best interests to start paying attention.

If you live in the Boston area and like sports, you probably listen to sports radio. Even occasionally.

For those that don't fall into that category, here's a little briefing for you. There are two local sports radio stations - WEEI and 98.5 The Sports Hub. WEEI held a monopoly for a long time. The 411 on WEEI was that if they ever had any by Text-Enhance">competition, they'd be in trouble.

Enter Sports Hub a couple of years ago, and yes, WEEI was in trouble. Sports Hub quickly vaulted to number one"


Categories: State of the Celtics

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