Not all solutions can be found in life's problems, doubts and fears. But standing together, may cancel out many fears or doubts that some may have. Their will be times when listening to one another becomes the way of life, and searching for answers become easier. Faults of the pass cannot be changed. But the future can never be judged,but united efforts may change everything.
United and bonded is one great feature. And a team like the Celtics understand bonding is a key ingredient in a championship run. They seem to be searching for 2008 magic. But it's more than re- hashing the past. It's simply about coming together. One goal, and one mind is needed to win again.
Going on this trip starts a new era. The Big three era ended, so it's fitting that they go overseas again with Rondo as the leader.
"This is a regular training camp, except we'll be out of the country," said Rondo. "We want to continue our focus as far as getting better each day, working on sets, and just becoming as good of a team as we can in these seven days."
As for their downtime, the Celtics really don't know what to expect, but Rivers is gathering resources to plan field trips.
"It's funny, I've bought three or four books, I have magazines -- and I have not opened one yet," said Rivers. "But I figure I have 11 hours [on the plane] to brush up on it. Ask me that question when I land, and I'll give you all the information.
"I talked to a lot of people that have been to Turkey, a ton of people -- I was actually with two guys [Sunday] night that were there for a month last summer and they loved it. So we'll see."
This is a trip that guys talk about life, or they talk about who they are as people. This is good for a championship team. I don't think going over to Turkey will mean a title, but it's not a bad idea on the Celtics part. This is good for guys like Green, and Lee, and also for Bradley despite him not able to play. The Celtics are all business right now. And every season has a different feel to it. But something seems so right about this season.
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paul says...
Right. Except that Rondo claims that he's not the leader.
Criminy. I may tune out. I'm sick of this. Fine, Rondo, let's just have another season of Piece playing hero ball.
Oops, you forgot something.