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NBA NIGHTLY RUNDOWN:Chris Paul playing the game

Posted by shawn cassidy on September 23, 2012 at 12:50 AM

Chris Paul liked Clippers over Lakers

Los Angeles Clippers point guard Chris Paul, who is featured on the covers of October's GQ, told the magazine he actually preferred being traded to the Clippers rather than the Los Angeles Lakers last year.

"They had the better pieces," Paul said. "And winning with the Clippers would be legendary."

No question it would mean a lot winning in a Clippes uniform, but you know he didn't give a crap which LA team got him. He wanted LA one way or another. He can sit back, and say this now because he's on the Clippers. He would've had some other bull crap line about being on the Lakers instead of the Clippers. Paul is an ass, and thanks again Danny for not being an idiot.

Marbury thinks Amara and Anthony don't mix

"Amare needs a point guard like Steve Nash (to thrive). He's a pick-and-roll guy, a pick-and-pop guy. He can't play in the half court where everything's slowed down," Marbury told ESPN New York during a brief interview in Manhattan on Wednesday.

When asked if he thought Anthony and Stoudemire could flourish together, Marbury said flatly, "Nope."


I agree, but maybe this year will be the year? Can Kidd set up the duo? Maybe, but the Knicks are loaded. Maybe a full season, and a camp will work wonders. This Knicks team hasn't been healthy enough to put their money where their mouth is. One more season with this group will show us what will happen going forward.


Categories: NBA News

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Reply John H
02:03 AM on September 23, 2012 
Paul, is speaking crap. He wanted the Lakers with Howard.
Reply paul
04:25 AM on September 23, 2012 
I agree about Paul. So disingenuous. He's one of those guys who claimed that his basketball motivation was that he had to 'feed his family'. Yeah, Paul. You are EXACTLY like the guy working his/her tail off at Cheap Mart, and Quik-Kill Foods, and Pay'N'Go, who still needs food stamps to keep the family going in hard times that are getting harder. You are exactly like that guy.

Like Dwight Howard, he's constantly trying to read off a PR script that he can't even begin to understand because he seems to be so dissociated from anything real. He constantly wants to deliver the 'right' soundbite. He's part of the reason many of us like Rondo so much. Rondo may be a prat to deal with in many ways, for the media, and for the public at times, but you know, most of the time he seems to say what he actually thinks, to the extent that he says anything at all.

If Paul preferred the Clips at all, if he's at all sincere about that, it's because he saw himself united to Blake Griffin in ESPN spotlights, as a heavenly duo, alongside Le Ego and Le Thug.
Reply [email protected]
10:09 AM on September 23, 2012 
Chris is what's wrong with the game. Plain and simple. He was in a win-win in his mind with either LA team.




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