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Rondo ejected from tonights game

Posted by shawn cassidy on February 19, 2012 at 8:00 PM

Rondo was given a double-T for throwing the ball at the ref. Let's be honest the refs are bad tonight. Plain, and simple. Rondo was going to the hoop, and not getting anything, but the Pistons shot 38 freebies, compared to 14 for the Celtics?

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Reply Franklin
08:09 PM on February 19, 2012 
Here we go. Let everyone sell Rondo down the river. Of course I'm not happy, but he wasn't getting anything fair tonight.
Reply Celticslifer
08:10 PM on February 19, 2012 
Trade him! Lol. Not really
Reply paul
08:11 PM on February 19, 2012 
Refs are letting other teams hammer Rondo, but so are the Celtics themselves.
Reply paul
08:47 PM on February 19, 2012 
As we all know, the loss will be blamed on Rondo now.
Reply celts
08:50 PM on February 19, 2012 
I wonder if he gets suspended for that throw at the ref.
Reply paul
08:56 PM on February 19, 2012 
celts says...
I wonder if he gets suspended for that throw at the ref.

He'll be on the Ainge Express before then.
Reply jlil89
10:48 PM on February 19, 2012 
I know I have not spoken on this forum in a while due to our latest ass whippings but I just watched the replay of Rondo's ejection.... words can not express how furious I am right now. He was knocked to the ****ing ground. How in the hell is that not a foul or worse? And as for the toss towards the ref? How about the idiot puts his hands out so he can catch it. Maybe if the moron in stripes watches that again he will understand Rondo's frustration. I swear to god if they suspend him....
Reply paul
11:17 PM on February 19, 2012 
jlil89 says...
I know I have not spoken on this forum in a while due to our latest ass whippings but I just watched the replay of Rondo's ejection.... words can not express how furious I am right now. He was knocked to the ****ing ground. How in the hell is that not a foul or worse? And as for the toss towards the ref? How about the idiot puts his hands out so he can catch it. Maybe if the moron in stripes watches that again he will understand Rondo's frustration. I swear to god if they suspend him....

And wouldn't it be nice if one could expect Doc to have Rondo's back? But of course he won't. Rondo had his arm hit on the play, and then he got leveled and trampled by Monroe - AND NO CALL?!!!!!!!!

And then everyone blames Rondo for being miffed. I'm glad the guy realizes when he's really being effing abused.




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