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KG Versus Series: KG vs Gasol

Posted by shawn cassidy on September 23, 2012 at 8:20 AM

ESPN ranked KG 21st in their top 500 players. Pau Gasol has yet to be ranked, but it's clear he's ranked better than KG. We all know that KG owned Pau in the 2008 Finals, but in the 2010 Finals. Gasol didn't look like an old rag being used on the dirty floor. Gasol was lucky that he had another seven foot center along side him. Once Perk went down, KG was all alone on the glass in-game seven, and for the final three quarters in-game six. 

So do you believe that KG is better than Gasol? Well I still believe it's a draw, but I give the egde to KG because defense means everything. Gasol has increased his rebounding the past three seasons. Gasol's career average is 9.2, but for the past three seasons. Gasol has averaged at least ten or more rebounds per game. KG only play's around 32 minutes, but Gasol get's in five more minutes. So his stats are a bit higher than KG's. Gasol grabs two more rebounds, and he scores a couple more points than KG, but overall the stats don't mean a thing, because one player plays more than the other.

Maybe ESPN is banking on KG slowing down this season, and so they rank KG at 21. Gasol had a big game in Boston in 2012. He scored 25 points, and he grabbed 14 rebounds. He also had the game winner in over time. KG really didn't have the best game. But in the second meeting in LA. Gasol didn't have a monster game. KG shut him down. With the Lakers vs Celtics rivalry back. We have a new cast of characters. Gasol vs KG is a new one that's great to watch.

So, do you believe that ESPN has it right. Is Pau better than KG?

Categories: KG Versus Series, Lakers News

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Reply paul
11:23 AM on September 23, 2012 
When the Celtics gel, and Rondo leads the way, and Paul and KG follow with all their might, no one, NO ONE, can beat those three. They are the best.

But see, they play team ball. It's a team game to them. How can ESPN measure that? The team approach opposes everything they stand for. Star Power. Public Relations Power. Glitz and glitter. Smoke and mirrors.
Reply Franklin
04:30 PM on September 23, 2012 
paul says...
When the Celtics gel, and Rondo leads the way, and Paul and KG follow with all their might, no one, NO ONE, can beat those three. They are the best.

But see, they play team ball. It's a team game to them. How can ESPN measure that? The team approach opposes everything they stand for. Star Power. Public Relations Power. Glitz and glitter. Smoke and mirrors.

I agree with u, they don't make money off of team work,so they don't care.




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