Sometimes I lay in bed, and I think about the disasters in life. About what we were, or who I was. What I could of been.I think about worldly disasters, and what they do to countries, and families. But than I think of smaller disasters in life. One that comes to mind would be the recent disaster of bigs that the Celtics have signed. Who could forget the big disappointments. Does Jermaine O'neal ring a bell? Shaq as well, even though he played very well in his short time until his career ending injuries.
Wallace had spurts, and some big moments, but he never lived up to what we thought he would, or could be. Other bigs have been lost in memories. Patrick O'Bryant in 2009, and Mikki Moore in 2009. Now will watch Darko, and his pursuit for playing time. But he's not coming in here to save the day. Let's get that straight. But he seems to be a big with potential that has never been reached, or even close to being reached. But what if he surprises us? Very unlikely, but that would be something. I expect Darko to sit on the bench for most of the season.
But Darko reminds us all of past failures from bigs that have been brought in. Wilcox, and Bass from last season have worked out. Bass replaced Baby of course, but Wilcox looks for a season of redemption after losing last season because of heart issues. The Celtics look for Sullinger to step in, and hopefully he can play as well as Powe from 2008. That could be too much to ask.
The bigs question will be answered soon. The season gives us answers that we can't get during the off season.The off season provides great anticipation for the season. But also a lot of free time. Can't wait for this ride to start.
Categories: Celtics Morning Joe
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