As Celtics fans were destined to hate the Lakers. It's in our DNA, and it fuels levels of hate that don't come from the sky. We've seen other rivalries through the years. The Pistons in the 80's, and the Bucks in the 80's maybe. It's hard for me to count them because they never beat the Celtics. And you have the Knikcs, and 76ers throughout the past 50 years or so.
Since 2008 the Celtics, and Lebron have a past. So be default the Heat, and Celtics have a rivalry. That's one way at looking at it. The other way is the big three comparison. The Celtics weren't built in a sneaky Pat Riley way, but they were built to win a title.
The Heat's Big three was put together like an IKEA dresser. We can also put out there that the Celtics, and Heat have squared off three years in a row in the playoffs. The Celtics won in 2010 in the first round against the Heat. No James of course, but in the following round the Celtics outed the Heat's future MVP in the second round when he was with Cleveland.
So many stories have been made from this rivalry. It seems like destiny that both teams met this year for the fourth year in a row. If you checkout other sites, or forums. You'll find that some fans already hate the Heat more than the Lakers. I can't join them on that, but I see where their coming from.When you have Ray Allen leaving, and when you have Wade doing dirty things. It makes the rivalry that much more heated.
Will need to endure the entire season until both teams face off when it matters. Will have to focus on other teams, but in the back of our minds the Heat will be there.
Categories: Celtics Morning Joe
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