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Dwight Howard conflicted on future

Posted by shawn cassidy on October 17, 2011 at 8:25 PM

"There's more you can do in a bigger place. I'm stuck in a tough position because I feel like right now, where I'm at, I've done so much. And I just don't know what else I can do. I can't live for everybody else," Howard told the magazine.

"I don't know what decision I'm gonna make as of right now. ... Everybody wants me to come here, come play here, come to our team, do this. It's a great feeling, though, to be wanted, " Howard told Esquire.

But at the same time, Howard knows how much Magic fans want him to stay.

"The toughest part for me is the city -- the people," Howard told Esquire. "They've got burgers named after me in Orlando, they've got a Web site saying, 'Please stay.' I love the people in the city. I've literally sat on the bench with a towel on my head crying, because I feel the passion in the stands.

"I just think about what's going to be best for what I want to accomplish in my life. And I don't want that door to close on me, wherever that door is."

When asked about Magic coach Stan Van Gundy, Howard said that he likes him as a person, but has had difficulty with his coaching style.

"The only thing I had a real problem with was the way [Van Gundy] coached," Howard told the magazine. 'It was very tough with Stan, because he yelled a lot, and I don't want to be that guy to yell at my teammates along with my coach. Because they're going to turn it all off. I had to find different ways to motivate my team. Sometimes when you have so much negativity, it's really hard to be positive."


This sentence says it all "There's more you can do in a bigger place" of course in Boston. Only one major city can pay Howard,and give him the spotlight he craves. He will  have a great running mate in Rondo,and every Celtics blogger has talked about this to no end,and I have many times,but Howard would win championships here in Boston. Factor in the possibility of having Allen,and KG for one more season after their contracts are up,and using them as parts to go along with Howard,and Rondo,and Pierce.

Categories: NBA News, Celtics Beat

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Reply paul
09:42 PM on October 17, 2011 
When he says a "bigger place", it sounds like LA. But if he comes to Boston, he joins the best tradition in the NBA, in a very large market, just a stone's throw from the biggest market on the planet, AND he joins Rajon Rondo. Think 30ppg, Dwight.
Reply Eric
09:48 PM on October 17, 2011 
paul says...
When he says a "bigger place", it sounds like LA. But if he comes to Boston, he joins the best tradition in the NBA, in a very large market, just a stone's throw from the biggest market on the planet, AND he joins Rajon Rondo. Think 30ppg, Dwight.

The only way he goes to LA is for Bynum. That's the only way.
Reply paul
11:11 PM on October 17, 2011 
Or as a free agent?





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