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NBA Quick Hits- (Links of the day-Quotes of the day)Miami picked to win it all in Vegas,and they picked the same team last year

Posted by shawn cassidy on November 30, 2011 at 1:50 PM

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Las Vegas NBA odds say Heat will win 2012 championshi- InsideHoops.com(Link)

I would agree that all six teams deserve to be in the top 6. In that order I disagree. Lakers second to win? Why? Sweeped out of the second round,and with a new coach. Does everyone remember Jackson is no longer coaching? It should be the Mavs,and you can have the Heat two. I don't put much stock into this anyways.


Sean Deveney: Story out of Spain has Marc Gasol seeking $9 mil per year. Grizz intending to keep him, maybe not for 5 and $45, but something close. Twitter

They need Gasol if they want to continue they're playoff path.


Chris Mannix: While the Nets do not have interest in David West (yet), rival executives believe Indiana will make a strong offer. Twitter

West would be a short fix for the Pacers. He's got maybe four years max left of top basketball,and he's coming off a major injury.

The Chicago Bulls "top priority" during Wednesday morning's initial contact period between teams and agents will be setting up the framework of Derrick Rose's new extension, according to a league source. ESPN.com-Link


Categories: NBA Quick Hits

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Reply paul
02:21 PM on November 30, 2011 
I don't think the Cs are top six, and if the Lakers are top six, they certainly aren't in the top two. Mavs should be first or second. Only the Bulls and Thunder are about where they should be.

If Indiana could get West, while bringing Rondo in, and keeping either Granger or George at small forward, they start to look formidable, though they'd need to replace Hibbert if my thoughts about a Celtics trade come true...
Reply shawn cassidy
02:31 PM on November 30, 2011 
paul says...
I don't think the Cs are top six, and if the Lakers are top six, they certainly aren't in the top two. Mavs should be first or second. Only the Bulls and Thunder are about where they should be.

If Indiana could get West, while bringing Rondo in, and keeping either Granger or George at small forward, they start to look formidable, though they'd need to replace Hibbert if my thoughts about a Celtics trade come true...

Who would you have take the Celtics spot? Atlanta? Orlando? The Spurs could take their spot perhaps. Memphis maybe if they sign all of their studs
Reply paul
02:40 PM on November 30, 2011 
shawn cassidy says...
Who would you have take the Celtics spot? Atlanta? Orlando? The Spurs could take their spot perhaps. Memphis maybe if they sign all of their studs

Probably the Spurs. Or the Knicks. Or Memphis. Or Denver. It's hard to say. It's not that I think the Cs can't win a championship, if Danny makes smart moves and they catch fire. It's that I think they look to be a team on the verge of falling apart.

And right now, Danny seems to be acting like he is running scared. I basically think that if we were to keep Rondo, and STOP SHOPPING HIM AROUND, and resign everyone we can and then make a few smart additions, we could make another very serious run. But I don't see how we can be amongst the favorites.
Reply Franklin
02:51 PM on November 30, 2011 
paul says...
Probably the Spurs. Or the Knicks. Or Memphis. Or Denver. It's hard to say. It's not that I think the Cs can't win a championship, if Danny makes smart moves and they catch fire. It's that I think they look to be a team on the verge of falling apart.

And right now, Danny seems to be acting like he is running scared. I basically think that if we were to keep Rondo, and STOP SHOPPING HIM AROUND, and resign everyone we can and then make a few smart additions, we could make another very serious run. But I don't see how we can be amongst the favorites.

Danny make smart moves! LOL! Hey he might I guess. The Denver squad I don't know about that.





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