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Paul Pierce may have summed up the players problem?

Posted by shawn cassidy on November 21, 2011 at 10:15 AM

Miss informed? Thats used  a lot when the media,and mainstream writers point out the flaws of the player's union. Paul Pierce was interviewd by Spears from Yahoo sports,and he had this to say.

Q: [Celtics free-agent forward] Glen Davis(notes) has also voiced his displeasure with the union’s stance. He’s tweeted, “Take the 51% man and let’s play.” What do you think about what he has said?

 “You got a lot of players that say, ‘Let’s take the deal.’ ‘Let’s take 51.’ ‘Let’s go 50-50.’ A lot of them don’t understand the issues. A lot of them are on the outside looking in. They kind of followed the negotiations on [television]. A lot of players didn’t understand the 50-50. Then you have a lot of players who weren’t in a lot of the meetings. They all flew out to New York, actually saw the deal [last Monday] and couldn’t believe it.

“I had guys going to the gym, saying, ‘I can’t believe how bad the deal was.’ Once guys went to the meeting and saw what it really was, they kind of backed off of it.”


I think at least 50% of the players should-be informed,and then they should have smaller meetings explaining the deal. Something is off with some of the player's not knowing the details. I assume some trust the player's in charge of the process,and some of the young player's like Davis don't ask questions,and they assume 50/50 is justified. Which it's not,and the system issues are not okay. Will see what other player's come out,and say take a deal,or we might not,

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Categories: Celtics Beat

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Reply Franklin
10:43 AM on November 21, 2011 
If you don't know the info don't say anything. A lot of us go by the media,but sometimes all the information is off,and some of the player's bought in.
Reply paul
12:45 PM on November 21, 2011 
The media are trying to blame everything on Paul Pierce. First it was KG, and now it's Paul Pierce. I'm so sick of the blizzard of propaganda. Basically I compare this situation to The Trade. Everyone knew that Danny traded Perk because of the contract and not for any basketball reason, but almost everyone in the media pretended it was about everything BUT the contract. It was all very cynical, blatantly so. A similar thing is happening now. Everyone knows that the owners are mugging the players, but almost everyone is trying to tell some different story, ANY different story. So, right now, Paul Pierce is the scapegoat.
Reply paul
12:46 PM on November 21, 2011 
Franklin says...
If you don't know the info don't say anything. A lot of us go by the media,but sometimes all the information is off,and some of the player's bought in.

The players are influenced by the media just like we are. Why don't folks, including players, get it that the media constantly lie?
Reply Franklin
08:50 PM on November 21, 2011 
paul says...
The players are influenced by the media just like we are. Why don't folks, including players, get it that the media constantly lie?

The media is amazing on how they can dictate what we think is right. Sometimes you need to get the whole truth.
Reply paul
11:53 PM on November 21, 2011 
Franklin says...
The media is amazing on how they can dictate what we think is right. Sometimes you need to get the whole truth.

Most people try to be honest. It's hard for us, in my opinion, to recognize that most people in the media lie for a living. The thing is, though, that when one recognizes this, in my view, it becomes surprisingly easy to sort out the bits of truth amidst all the hype, distortion and lies. Easier, anyway...





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