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The latest on Rondo

Posted by shawn cassidy on November 29, 2011 at 8:50 PM

More Rondo Rumors: Ainge Wants Chris PaulAinge, the sources say, has recently discussed trading Rondo in a deal that nets [Chris] Paul, but the Hornets don't appear interested in a two-team deal in which Rondo -- who has four years worth approximately $46 million left on his contract -- and Paul would switch places. So Ainge has been on the prowl for a third team that could provide the sort of young pieces Hornets general manager Dell Demps would covet as part of his possible rebuilding plan. The more pressing question, of course, is whether Paul, who can become a free agent after this season, would consider signing an extension with Boston.


I will have more on this later,but I'm actually upset if this goes down. I want some loyalty here.

Categories: Celtics Beat

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1 Comment

Reply paul
10:43 PM on November 29, 2011 
It's just obvious. These rumors most likely wouldn't be swirling if Danny weren't feeding them. It could be that he's just trying to light a fire under Rondo. I wouldn't put it past Danny. But I think that may be the wrong psychology. I think he needs to make it clear that Rondo is untouchable.

But I think Danny really wants to move Rondo. I think that the Big Three have been complaining about Rondo and wanting someone else at PG. I think that a more likely trade is Rondo for a Big, with Delonte moving up as PG. Danny does like to roll the dice, and with the Perkins trade having blown up in his face, my guess is that he wants to obscure the mess he made by making a bigger mess.

I'm so glad to see you use the word "loyalty", Shawn. Polls around the web seem to show a 2/1 margin in favor of trading Rondo for Paul. It just shows me how little loyalty fans have. They keep saying "it's all business in the end". Really? Is that why fans follow teams? Or is it because of community identification and tradition and LOYALTY? Commenters repeat it like a mantra that we should keep emotions out of it. Really? See, I think that Artis Gilmore was right when he said that basketball is a game of emotions. If you kept emotion out of it, you'd have nothing left.

And when all this nastiness gets put in the context of the Lockout, I swear, it just makes me sick.

And, for God's sake, how are the Cs going to pay for Chris Paul? He makes almost twice what Rondo makes, and resigning him probably will take twice or more. Did the Big Three think about this when they (presumably) went to Danny to complain about Rondo? Signing Paul would surely hasten the departure of the Big Three from Celtic Land, especially if the team hopes to pick up Dwight Howard.

Let's not even start talking about the fact that Rondo is recognized as already a top player and one with unknown upside. Sometimes, I swear, I wish Danny would just pull the trigger already. I'm sick of the rumors. JUST DO IT DANNY. We all know how much you loooove those blockbuster moves. It's like an addiction....





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