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Rondo watch: Trade talk,and links

Posted by shawn cassidy on November 30, 2011 at 10:55 AM

If you haven't got your fix of the Rondo deals. Here are some links!

The Links!

Boston open to Rondo trade, but Chris Paul hard to land-NBC SPORTS

Why the Chris Paul deal should happen-CelticsLife.com

Broussard: Chris Paul Wouldn’t Sign Extension With Celtics. Is This Scenario Any Different Than KG in 2007? CelticsHub.com

Right now a lot of chatter is being said about Paul saying no to the deal. Because KG didn't want the same extension in 2007. The Celtics had to bring in Ray Allen for the KG deal to happen. I don't see anything happening like that this time around.

Categories: Celtics Beat

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Reply paul
11:57 AM on November 30, 2011 
I think Danny has put out these rumors to try to soften up the fandom ahead of a big Rondo trade. I think he blames the sudden-ness of the Perkins trade for the blowback that hit him over it.

I wonder if such thinking, assuming my speculation is right, will work out. I think the opposite is true. I think that part of the reason that Ainge didn't get hit with an even bigger tsunami after The Trade was that it was so sudden. By the time people recovered from shock, Danny's bogus cover stories had gained a lot of traction. This time too the rationalizations were out in force right away, with media types selling the public on the idea that Chris Paul for Rondo is a total no-brainer, but a public wave of revulsion seems to be building up.

As horrified as I am by the whole mess, I find it somewhat fascinating too. It may turn out that there are a lot of people who love Rondo's eccentric but visionary game...
Reply shawn cassidy
12:04 PM on November 30, 2011 
I think a lot of people let Danny off the hook because he gave us this wonderful era of basketball,but he killed it last season. He was bold? Not really. He was told to deal Perk? I don't know but it was all financial,and the Celtics haven't operated like that in the past four seasons. I get the fact that they didn't want to to give Perk money,but why shake up your starting five that never lost a playoff series,and that's right they haven't. Perk went down in game 6,and I won't count that. I okay I should stop writing about it,but hey the media keeps opening that story. So how can I let it go?
Reply paul
12:20 PM on November 30, 2011 
shawn cassidy says...
I think a lot of people let Danny off the hook because he gave us this wonderful era of basketball,but he killed it last season. He was bold? Not really. He was told to deal Perk? I don't know but it was all financial,and the Celtics haven't operated like that in the past four seasons. I get the fact that they didn't want to to give Perk money,but why shake up your starting five that never lost a playoff series,and that's right they haven't. Perk went down in game 6,and I won't count that. I okay I should stop writing about it,but hey the media keeps opening that story. So how can I let it go?

I don't see why we should let it go. I don't even begin to get that argument. The Trade was one of the biggest moves in Cs history, partly because of timing. We will be talking about it for years to come, and if it has as negative affect on the Celtics future as it looks like it might have, we may be talking about it for decades.

And I think that everything happening now goes back to The Trade. Would Danny even be considering trading Rondo if the team hadn't folded like it did last year after The Trade? If we still had a strong player at center, instead of a gaping hole? I doubt it. This all reeks of desperation.
Reply paul
01:15 PM on November 30, 2011 
I think the deal may end up being Rondo/Johnson(or Baby) to Indy, Collison/Hibbert to Boston.
Reply shawn cassidy
02:06 PM on November 30, 2011 
paul says...
I think the deal may end up being Rondo/Johnson(or Baby) to Indy, Collison/Hibbert to Boston.

I guess Danny wants to be a lottery team again?
Reply paul
02:16 PM on November 30, 2011 
shawn cassidy says...
I guess Danny wants to be a lottery team again?

I hope I'm wrong. But even if there is no trade, these endless rumors are damaging in themselves. Ainge should make Pierce and Rondo untouchable.

My expectation is that there will be a trade. I think Ainge would rationalize it by saying that Hibbert gives them a center and that Collison is a good replacement for Rondo, with shooting range.
Reply shawn cassidy
02:29 PM on November 30, 2011 
paul says...
I hope I'm wrong. But even if there is no trade, these endless rumors are damaging in themselves. Ainge should make Pierce and Rondo untouchable.

Yeah I totally see that. I hope your wrong. If Danny is hell bent on a deal. It's got to be better than that!
Danny could be blowing this team up this year? He might be trying to be proactive,and get the players he wants? Will see what happens. Danny is unpredictable. If he thinks the Celtics get better without Rondo he's clueless.

My expectation is that there will be a trade. I think Ainge would rationalize it by saying that Hibbert gives them a center and that Collison is a good replacement for Rondo, with shooting range.
Reply paul
02:48 PM on November 30, 2011 
shawn cassidy says...

I just don't believe that these trade rumors don't start with Danny's office. And if they were just seeping out against his will, I'd think he'd publicly deny them, especially now that they seem to be coming out with more detail and, it would seem more authoritatively. So what is he up to? I think it's obvious that he's softening the public up for a big deal involving Rondo, but probably not involving Paul. As for the logic behind his moves, it's hard to try to follow that after the Perkins Trade, which clearly made no sense at all. My guess is that Rondo has become the scapegoat for the Big Three winning only one championship. Everyone expected more, and there really should have been more. I see it as one of those irrational things that can take on momentum, where a growing faction in the Cs organization, including the Big Three, but for different reasons are coming together into a kind of consensus to dump the blame on Rondo, implicitly, and then dump him.

And what makes this so incredibly sad is that the Big Four was one of the most magnificent units in NBA history, and Rondo has been a huge part of that, maybe the biggest part. Yes this team should have won two or three championships. Yes it's a shame that they didn't. But it's no one person's fault, and if one person is to be blamed, that HAS to be Danny himself.





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