Life is a series of routines that move us along during the day. It could be a cup of coffee,or a morning run for some. A lot of us depend on routines,and the comfort of the same thing day in,and day out makes us feel safe,and happy with what we have. For me a lot of my routines are gone. The lockout has changed my everyday life. Of course there is a bigger picture in life besides an orange ball going through a rim,and net. I understand that,and that's why I can love the game of basketball.If you look to yesterday. I would have watched pre-season basketball over the NFL. I love hoops that much. Who cares about pre-season basketball right? I do,and it's not about winning,but I want to see the team chemistry develop before the season starts. I just want to watch basketball plain and simple.
Without my routines I'm lost. Of course I still check all of my favorite sites. Even though I check the sites I know their's nothing to look forward to. The blitz of free agency has come,and gone during the summer,and the trade buzz is all but dead. Analyzing the Celtics would be next,and more than likely discussing their title hopes even if it was a small chance. As we hit mid October I look forward to the season change,and the reason I look forward to it is not because it's colder outside,but I know it's NBA time. The game of basketball is apart of every day life. When I think of pumpkins of course I think of Halloween,but I also realize the regular season has just started. The cold weather keeps me inside,and the NBA keeps me company inside my warm house. I love the holiday season,and the NBA is a major part of that. I always link both. Christmas day has become a huge day in the NBA.
Without the Celtics,and the NBA I get a feeling over me similar as if I couldn't find my car keys when I'm running late,or if I left something at home that I needed for work. Money is evil sometimes,and people fighting over it can be sad. If I must pick a side it will be the players. I don't want to go into numbers,and all of that right now,but the players will stand strong. If I think too much of the possibility of a lost NBA season I will drive my self insane. Do I care about the casual fan if I'm in love with basketball,and I'll never leave it? To be honest no. The NBA has survived without you,and shame on you for not following the geat game of basketball. Basketball to me is a great art form. The skill set is different from player to player. They develop their own moves,and they're a work of art. Look at Rondo,and his craft. Yes he has a lot of Cousy in his game,but take a look close,and Rondo is his own artist jumping out onto the canvis,but Rondo has some qualities of past greats.
Without games I'm lost in my thoughts of past Celtic failures. I think of seasons that could have ended with different results. I think back to 2009 the most. I think of the fight the Celtics gave until they lost in-game seven to the Magic without KG. I think back,and remember Rondo coming out of the gate,and forming his name. I felt the injury to KG triggered everything that we see today. If KG doesn't go down Wallace doesn't become a Celtic. I'm not saying that's bad or good,but I'm saying life is a series of routines,and what if this didn't happen moments. What I miss the most is simple. I miss coming home after a long day,and turning on the game. Nothing is better than escaping with the Celtics for three hours
Categories: Celtics Beat
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